Steps of courage

Daily good to feed the soul

Steven A. Rodriguez
1 min readJan 14, 2021


We’ve been told that there’s trade offs in everything. To do good, we must accept the bad, just a little bit.

But that’s the easy way out, so consider re-framing from what is to what could be.

A tech user might think access to their data is the price to use a platform. A CEO might think profit first, the rest be damned. “According to whom?

When we reach a crossroads between the right thing and something else, consider the whole doughnut. How will this impact family, friends, society, the future…

We can be better than we believe, one small step at a time.

Like the shamans of the Andes — the Laika — you are a luminous warrior. You dare to speak the inconvenient truths, uphold universal values that honor all life, and perform daily acts of courage.

— Alberto Villoldo, The Heart of the Shaman: Stories and Practices of the Luminous Warrior

